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rendons BCCHC encore plus
accessible pour tous.
GROUP PROGRAMS Register for Group Programs

When every day is challenging because of where you live, work and play, your physical and mental health is also affected.

At Black Creek Community Health Centre, your care team delivers the high-quality services you deserve.

With care and compassion, your unique needs are the team’s focus and goal, so that you can live your healthiest life.

Community Connects Here Black Creek CHC is a non-profit
community-based organization that provides health care services and programs for Toronto’s North West communities.
Black Creek CHC community ambassadors, Norma and Dustyn. Eye doctor puts eye drops in her patient's eyes..
Joyce, Respiratory Therapist at BCCHC, is wearing a face mask and holding an inhaler.
Francis and Tamina are members of our Harm Reduction Team. Tamina is holding a naloxone kit. Chronic illness, including disease and addiction, affects so much more than just your physical health.

When you are not well, emotional symptoms that accompany physical illness, may make you feel overwhelmed.

Together, care team members help you manage symptoms of disease, and the impact of illness on your family, work and day-to-day activity, too.
Francis and Tamanah
are members of the
Health Promotion Addictions Team.
Elliott, one of of our social workers, in session with a client.

One-on-one and Group Counselling Available

It’s important for all members of the family
to get a healthy start, and to access the
culturally appropriate care that supports
health and wellbeing to live your best life.

Your care team supports healthy attachment
for babies and children, and healthy lifestyle
choices across your lifespan, for healthy
sexuality, educational achievement, and
social skills development.
Karla is a BCCHC Ambassador and one of our Community Mamas. Who knows better than you how to help your
community become a safe space that supports
health and wellness for yourself, your family,
friends, and neighbours?

This is your community. Use your voice
and your skills to do something meaningful.

At BCCHC, your Care Team is made up
of different healthcare professionals
who collaborate to coordinate your care.
Carla is a
Community Mama.

Community Resources

Get information about financial assistance,
mental health support, employment support,
childcare, housing, food, clothing and shelter?

Visit or text/chat 2-1-1

Web resources and live chat available 24/7 in 150 languages

Black Creek Community
Agencies and Services

Developed by the Black Creek Community Collaborative.


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Group Programs: 

Our groups are now online and in-person in various locations throughout the community.