Child of An Immigrant

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Child of an Immigrant is a story about young Matilda and her Ghanaian family living in Canada. Her parents settled in the country in the late 80s with hopes of a better life. While learning to adjust to life, Matilda and her sister, Layla, struggle with finding their own identity outside of their family. To cope with her newfound identity, Matilda pours out all of her family's secrets in each entry—from infidelity to emotional trauma. Things take a turn when a secret love child is discovered and chaos breaks out in the home. Lack of trust, love, and respect soon becomes evident in the family. Can the family unit survive the threat to their foundation? The news causes Matilda to look at her family in a new light, while she's also battling with a tough decision she needs to make around school. Both Layla and Matlida begin to challenge her parents' rules. Matilda fights for Layla’s dream to become a journalist as she realizes the manipulation and codependency coerced by their parents. Matilda struggles to find footing and stumbles down the wrong path into a spiral of uncontrollable habits. As the secret love child joins Matilda and builds a sisterhood, Matilda forgets the promise she made to herself. Will Layla's return help Matilda get back on track? Will the parents soon find a grip on their daughter? Will the secret love child find the love she is looking for? Will these children of immigrants balance their desires while honoring their family’s wishes?
Sandra Anin
Publishing Date
Daughter of the King Publishing