You have a vision for what your retirement years will look like...

- Unlimited leisure time
- Travelling to exotic destinations
- Quality time with family and friends
- Learning new skills and pursuing side projects
- Relaxing in a hammock at the cottage

Retirement Planning Ottawa

It's exciting to IMAGINE the possibilities...
Having the RIGHT STRATEGIES in place is the first step
in designing the retirement of your DREAMS!

As you approach retirement, you likely have concerns about the financial aspects;

- Am I on the right track for a secure retirement?
- How do the financial decisions I make today affect my retirement goals?
- Can I retire early...and still be ok?
- Will I still be able to afford the things I love?
- Are my savings in danger of running out?

Planning for retirement can be overwhelming and confusing.
Together we clarify your financial picture, so you can
confidently plan for the best retirement possible.

independent financial advisor

A fully customized review of your finances prior to retirement

  1. Let's map out your ideal retirement scenarios in a comprehensive written plan

  2. Get professional insight and unbiased recommendations personalized for you

  3. Gain peace of mind and confidence knowing your finances are in order

fee only financial planning ottawa

NEW! Virtual Meetings Available

If you would like an unbiased review of your finances or have concerns about your retirement during this difficult time, I am available to consult with you via virtual video conference for your convenience, comfort, and safety.

Maureen's Client Success Story:

Maureen Yates is a busy realtor in the Ottawa area. She wanted a second opinion with regards to her finances. She was looking for an independent financial advisor who was working in her best interest and without third-party conflicts of interest.

Here’s What Some of Our Happy Clients Have to Say:

financial advisor ottawa reviews

“I got so much value from our meetings. I’m so glad we did this”Joann M., Ottawa

Ayana Forward reviews

“Ayana is very professional, but also very easy to talk to, and delivered to me exactly what I wanted. I would recommend her highly.” Wayne J., Ottawa

Retirement in View Reviews

"Retirement in View put it all in perspective and helped us pin point what really matters to us. She was so thorough and honest and it all came together so efficiently.”
Nicole K., Ottawa

** About Retirement in View...**

Ayana Forward founded Retirement in View to provide clients with objective financial advice in an environment free of sales pressure.As a Fee Only Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Ayana does not sell financial products so there are no third party conflicts and she can truly work in your best interest.Certified Financial planners must complete a rigorous education program, pass a national exam, and demonstrate three years of qualifying work experience. Here are Ayana's current credentials and Letter of Good Standing.Ayana has been featured as a financial expert in The Globe and Mail, Financial Post, MoneySense, CBC, Global News and more.Ayana's story...

fiduciary financial advisor ottawa

Meet Your Planner
Ayana Forward, CFP®

Certified Financial Planner Credential
Retirement in View BBB Business Review

Schedule a Financial Planning Session Today!

New Clients: With tax season approaching, Ayana is currently at capacity for new clients.✷Existing clients please click the Existing Clients button to schedule an appointment.✷

② Schedule by Email: info@retirementinview.ca③ Schedule by Phone: 613-416-9593

Still Deciding? No problem, please review our financial planning packages or the following free guide to finding a financial planner to help get you started. And please only book your initial consultation when you feel ready to start the financial planning process. If you have specific questions before booking, please fill out our contact form here.

QUIZ: What Type of Financial Advisor is Best for You?

Take a quick 5 question quiz to help you determine what type of financial planner is the best match for your specific needs.