Palestinians In Canada grapple with loss and trauma inflicted by Israel

“I want people to know that we are not just numbers when we die.”

About The Resolve

The Resolve is an independent Canadian media outlet centring, elevating and celebrating Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) voices and stories. We’re reimagining the traditional narrative, and bringing more than just surface change to journalism.

Latest Articles

Can plant-based diets enable a more ethical food system?

Under ‘Big Food,’ even more environmentally friendly alternatives can involve exploitative practices that disproportionately affect people in the Global South.

How can crime reporters push for practical change in their newsrooms?

Asking the right critical questions and workplace solidarity are vital.

What needs to change in Canadian crime reporting

Change has been slow to non-existent — what can be done?

How Manitoba Hydro pushed families from their homes

The ongoing impacts of forced relocation.

How Canada’s laws have failed to address environmental racism

Unlike the U.S., Canada still doesn’t collect much race-based data.

BIPOC-led, community-powered independent journalism.

Our stories will always be free to read, but they’re not free to create. We will never charge for the news but would so deeply appreciate your voluntary support.

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