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Black Canada Talking™ interview | When Black Boys Go Missing - a three part series by Camille Dundas


‍ ‍16 March 2025 ‍ ‍ logo



When Black Boys Go Missing - a three part series by Camille Dundas on ByBlacks

Get ready for an engaging and thought-provoking episode on Black Canada Talking™, a live online event that provides Black Canadians opportunity to give their takes and POVs on stories that are of importance to them.

In this upcoming episode, Dr. Vibe dives deep into When Black Boys Go Missing, exploring its impact on the Black community and beyond.

Tune in to hear the author of the three part series, Editor In Chief, Camille Dundas, share their unique insights, experiences, and knowledge. 

Camille will be live on Black Canada Talking™ at 5 p.m. Eastern/2 p.m. Pacific on Sunday March 16, 2025, talking about the following articles:

When Black Boys Go Missing: Part One

When Black Boys Go Missing Part Two: How I Got My Son Back

When Black Boys Go Missing Part Three: Cracks In The System

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