Black Mental Health Canada
Mission To facilitate access to affordable, culturally safe and affirming mental health services to the black community through education, advocacy, and provision of resources. Vision To bring awareness that Mental Health issues are a real and significant problem within the black community and respond by promoting culturally empowering and equitable services. Culturally Safe, Accessible, Affordable Mental Health Care Black Mental Health Canada is aware that cultural beliefs and practices is a crucial factor in mental health service that influences all aspect of care, including decisions people make to access care, if they choose to engage with services providers, build therapeutic alliances, or follow treatment recommendations.BMHC also understands that statistics about the under utilization of mental health services among the diverse Black communities is concerning. This is why BMHC strives to build a stronger alliance between service providers of African descent, agencies that provides services to racialized people and other Black community stakeholders in order to work in a collaborative manner to build capacity to facilitate culturally safe and affirming mental health care to the diverse Black communities in Canada.
Listing Details
Year Established
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Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
9am to 5pm