Lignum Honey
Calling all honey lovers, look no further than Lignum Honey for the highest quality, 100% natural raw honey. Sourced exclusively from the beautiful apiaries of the island of Jamaica, Lignum Honey is a Canadian Black-owned business based in Toronto, Ontario with a passion for crafting honey options for the honey enthusiast in you. From their decadent mango blossom honey to their unique twist on citrus heat with their Scotch bonnet pepper honey, Lignum offers a variety of flavors guarenteed to tantalize your taste buds. Experience the indulgent flavors of Lignum Honey in person with their exclusive Honey tasting event. Unmatched in taste, Lignum Honey combines the unique qualities of Jamaica's tropical climate, virgin forest, nutrient-dense soil, and indigenous floral sources for an unparalleled experience of indulgent flavor that can't be found anywhere else on earth.
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