How did YOU manage?
Something about the holidays, makes everyone lose control and we just end up eating EVERYTHING in sight.
So, just in case you ate waaaaaaaay too much, of all the wrong stuff and overindulged in the bubbly ringing in the New Year, here are my 3 tips for getting back on track.
1. Let’s not call them “Resolutions”
I like the word “Goals” way better. Here are the stats:
· 50% of adults will make a New Year's resolution
· 22% fail after one week & 40% fail after one month
Don’t be a statistic. Make specific & realistic goals.
So instead of saying, “I’m going to stop eating hard dough bread." (not realistic for some)
Instead say, “I will have multi-grain bread during the week and save the hard dough bread for the weekends.” (specific and realistic)
Instead of saying, “I’m going to stop eating white rice”(not realistic for some people, like a certain Auntie I have)
Instead say, “I will enjoy my white rice on the weekends and enjoy brown rice, wild rice and quinoa during the week” (specific and realistic)
See, this way, there’s no deprivation. Who say’s you can’t enjoy a tiny bit of white rice and hard dough bread (a small slice)and still lose weight?
2. Don’t overdue it at the gym
Don’t let your “holiday guilt” trick you into thinking you can get rid of any excess weight at the gym…in a week. You may be channelling your inner Serena Williams or Idris Elba but you’ll burn out. Slow and easy wins the race. Rome wasn’t built in one day and neither are abs. Working out every day for the next week will only make you really sore, really tired and really ready to burn your gym membership.
3. Don’t go crazy at the Health Food Store
Save your money!!! No need to buy every supplement in the store to get you back on track. This time of year, I recommend the following for my clients: Vitamin D, Omega 3s and a good Multi-Vitamin with a high dose of vitamin C (after all, it is cold & flu season). Since we won’t see the sun again, till who knows when, it’s super important that you supplement with Vitamin D, preferably taken in liquid form. Our bodies make Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to the sun. No sun = not enough vitamin D and we need it for our bones and immune system.
Omega 3s – absolutely essential – literally. It’s an essential fatty acid. Essential means your body needs it, but doesn’t make it. Don’t worry, this isn’t your Grandmother’s fish oil. Today you can find flavoured oils in mango and even grapefruit. It’s super, super important that you supplement with this daily (always with a meal, never on an empty stomach).
Multi-Vitamins – you’ve heard it before. It’s your insurance policy against a less than stellar diet. I know some of you still aren’t eating your broccoli, beets and green beans…so, this one is especially for you.
If you were boozing it up or overindulging in the sweets, you’ve depleted your beautiful bod of vital nutrients. Alcohol, depletes you of vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D and just about every mineral you’ve got. You know what happens when your body is missing vital vitamins and minerals? You’re immune system gets comprised and you get SICK, and then, you start sharing your germs with the rest of us healthy people. So, let’s avoid this potentially ugly situation and get you back on track asap.
Some of these tips are from my 28 Day Winter Reboot program I’m sold out for January, but have a few spots available for February. Let me know if you want to be added to the Waiting List, only a few spots left.
Otherwise, I’ll see ya at the Health Food Store and save me a spot at the Gym in Spin class :)