The conception of health is a thought that evolves from the mind. The feeling of oppression and depression is not an imagination; instead it is a response due to the secretion of serotonin. This secretion will penetrate the thought process of emotions as it complies with directions from cell receptors.
As the receptor propels it can only connect with its likeness, that enables the sending and receiving of messages throughout the body otherwise known as the temple. This act of communication is vital for the temple foundation to react to one’s thoughts.
Like all things cellular, the hair, skin, hand, all these appendages will receive receptive messages that were conceived from a thought. Hence the feelings produced by emotions are the re-action, not from external, but internal influences. When we think of identical twins, this is the reason why even though they are identical, are in sync, their thought processes varies. This is due to the receptacle messages unique to each individual.
Beauty is a thought. A person’s perception is an infiltration of an individual history, praise, or even in some cases of dispraise. To maintain the thought to move, dance, exercise, stretch, eat, rest, and to pray, neutrons must have free-flowing access to the dendrites, which sends the messages to the various parts of our bodies (the temple). Whatever the thought there is a receptor, which will comply with the action ordered.
The temple of the mind should not be separated from the symptomatic reaction of the body. The process of thinking is however itemized. At the systematic cellular structure thought level, our bodies will recycle only the messages it receive.
Own your temple with inner praise from the crowning of your head to the soles of your feet; it is the title of honor.