I have an obligation to make sure that my clients have full disclosure. Including the not so pretty part of the vacation where you talk about what could happen. It's a part of the dream trip that needs to be addressed because of the level of stress that would be lifted if you ever have to face an unfortunate situation after you've booked a vacation or while on your trip.
I recently read a fundraising request that was created to help a single mother who had fallen off a cliff in Trinidad and was in need of Canadian medical attention. This hit home for me because I know what that worry is like, as well as how that financial burden could be avoided. My youngest was eight months old on one of our vacations when he fell really ill. I automatically went into "worried mom" mode and started panicking, but then I realized that I had emergency medical insurance. I called the insurance company and they arranged everything from the ride to the hospital, calling the hospital and notified them off our arrival as well as covering the costs of the tests and medication.
Travel protection in its entirety comes in many forms. If you take a look at every type of protection that's available it could be overwhelming . The key is to trust an expert to ensure that you are assessing your exact need prior to taking off.
The following are areas to consider when choosing travel insurance.
1. Emergency Medical - do you currently have medical coverage for the destination you are visiting? What will a visit to the doctor or a stay in the hospital cost you out of pocket?
2. Emergency Dental - in the event that you had a terrible accident where you needed dental care, do you currently have coverage to seek emergency dental care out of the country?
3. Emergency Evacuation - how would you get home if you were abroad and for whatever reason you had to evacuate?
4. Trip Cancellation - can you get your money back if you have a situation arise and you can no longer take your trip?
5. Baggage loss/ delay - do you have a plan to replace the items you are traveling with even if they were missing just for a few hours?
These are just a few points to consider when it comes to travel protection. I can only imagine the additional stress that this mother and her family had to encounter. Both from an emotional and financial standpoint . Trip protection should always be considered when you are budgeting for your vacation.