Prostate cancer is not an “old man’s disease, it can and has affected men as young as age 40.
November is the month that many North American males grow facial hair in support of ”Movember” to raise on awareness, funds and to educate families so that they can combat prostate cancer and mental health issues.
As this “Movember” approaches I wish to not only applaud all who participate in this important initiative, but also to urge all men and the women who love them to consider adding an important tool to their arsenal in the fight against all cancers, including prostate cancer – Money in the bank in the event prostate or any other form of cancer strikes.
Critical Illness Insurance will ensure that in the event you are diagnosed with cancer, you will receive a tax free lump sum which will help you combat a myriad of issues that can arise including:
- Making sure there is money to pay the mortgage and other living expenses in the event the family’s household income is seriously affected by you being off work.
- Covering the cost of any cancer drugs not covered by OHIP
- The ability to take advantage of treatments that may not be available in Canada or the option of bypassing long wait times by being able to pay for treatment outside of Canada
- Paying for expenses that arise from hospital visits including parking, transportation, food etc (they can really add up)
- Protecting your retirement savings – A medical emergency often causes people to deplete their savings in order to finance the immediate threat to their health and lives
Thankfully we have an excellent health care system in this great country and more people are surviving cancer, make sure that your finances survive as well.
Persons who have been affected by serious illnesses including cancer in the past can still qualify for coverage.
Let us help you select the critical illness solution that suits your needs and budget.